Tuesday, 28 June 2016


Many are waiting till the time they are seen as 'great 'or 'big ' before they would change society, others give unobtrusively flimsy excuses, whilst others think not next to their next neighbour. Are you ready to change the status quo? Do you intend to make the world better than you came to meet? Then take ACTION. For without action, society will forever remain still, or worse still, sink deep down into the ocean of unproductiveness. The words of the brain behind "putting back smiles on faces" will challenge you.

 Read and be inspired.
It cuts my heart deep anytime I open the windows of SpreadAid page. I see a lot of  potential and talents laying  dormant. 
59 vessels of skills, ideas and potential . Majority waiting to see what the minority would do, which always excludes them.

However, there is always hope as I see others who are working so hard and acquiring so many skills and strength.

Face it, I have nothing yet to give you. I have no cars, buildings, money,or whatsoever. I am a boy who knows not where to put his head after school vacates unlike many of you.
Most of the things I have now, are things given by friends and people close, mostly not by my parents.

All I hold on to is a vision. A vision of making the world better than I met it. A vision that builds strong foundations for your children. 
Many of you will fall as it gets tougher, and even those close. Some of you will remain forever; I will eat your flesh and you will eat mine. I will drink your blood and you will drink mine. My soul will mate with yours and both will find fulfilment.
No matter the part that you belong, do not worry. We have been given a mandate to run. I will change my world, you will change your world; together we will change the world.

I believe in a living hope; a hope where cycles of poverty would be broken; a hope where children would be trained in a home where they will grow up right from a city of responsibilities and opportunities. Where the abstraction of learning would be turned to the materialization of the fulfilment of purpose. 

A man aged 89 told his children one afternoon," I have now found my purpose." What is the use?
Where mothers will love their children and children their mothers. Where broken homes will lose power over the future of the next generation. Where love is always the order of the day . A city that seems far but close. 
I know there would be challenges but together we can make it happen.
There is hope for tomorrow.

Be a changemaker, be a light to the world, be the man whose face liberates all shackles and let it be said about you, "if not for this man". Be inspired and let us make our world better. Thank you.                 
©Dzagbletey Faith Adabah Julius

Thursday, 16 June 2016

PROJECT 5000's 2nd & 3rd Visits To Ada


Praise be unto the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has sent us forth to the poor and needy that through us their needs may be met.
Friday, 20th May, 2016, was another opportunity to impart into the lives of seven hundred and seventy(770) students and thirty (30) teaching staff of two schools both in the Greater Accra Region-Pediatorkorpe D/A Basic School ( on the biggest island in Ghana) and Bethel Academy.
We journeyed together at 5:30am after a group prayer to prepare us for the journey. It was about two hours’ drive from University of Ghana-Legon Campus.
We arrived there at 8:25am and set up the place for the day’s programme to commence.

The head teachers gladly received us as we introduced ourselves and made known to them the purpose of our visit.
We were then led by one of the teachers who took us round to show us the various facilities of the schools.
We began on a very delightful note which lasted till the very end.
The classes were divided into various sections which are listed below:

  • Class 6 to Form 3- Topic: "Education on Temperaments and Career Choices".
  • Form 3- Topic: “BECE Special with Mr. Azumah Mawuli, author of the book “Swimming Against the Tides”. All candidates were given a copy of this book which is geared towards youth development through reading habit cultivation and temperaments.
  • This set was also taken through a talk on teenage pregnancy.
  • Lower Primary- taken through Proper Handwashing skills as well as education on Talents Development.
  • The very young ones were not left out as they were taken through Talent Development in a very illustrative manner by Miss Peace and her team.
  • Every class was taken through Rhapsody time and every child given a copy of rhapsody being very mindful of their ages.

Thanks to Biblionef who gave us a number of books which was presented to the schools’ libraries for their use.
Brother Afful led all teachers and head teachers to Christ as we distributed copies of “Power of Your Mind” to each of them.

Both visits came with educational tours. After Bethel Academy which was the first school, Spreaders were taken to the Salt Mines to be educated on the process.

It was also a delightful experience when all spreaders had to cross the River Volta by a boat in order to go to Pediatorkope D/A School. Most confessed afterwards their joy and fears since it was their first experience.
At Pediatorkope, we were given the opportunity to exchange greetings with their chief who was very happy and encouraged the members to continue imparting the younger generation positively.

Below is a list of items presented to both schools as well as topics treated:


Books From Biblionef..... 300
School Bags….. 50
Exercise books..... 600
Pencils..... 350
Pens..... 550
Slates..... 60
Crayon..... 200
“Rhapsody of Realities”..... 800
“Power of your Mind”..... 30
“Swimming Against the Tides”..... 40
Juvita Drink..... 830
Biscuit..... 830

  1. Education of Proper Handwashing (UNICEF states that 1 out of 3 children die every day in Ghana because of lack of basic personal hygiene like handwashing)
  2. Education on Teenage Pregnancy
  3. Education on Temperaments and Career Choices
  4. Education on Talent and its development
  5. Soul Winning
  6. Education on how to adequately prepare towards their BECE